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WiFi Experience in all details

The experience users have will depend largely on the bandwidth a hotel providers for it’s guests. We enable travellers and hotel staff alike to take real world measurements in order to determine a hotel’s WiFi performance.

We provide different levels of detail on a hotel's WiFi Experience, so information can be showcased on minimal screen estate like mobil or in full detail.

Measuring Experience

Instead of asking guests to rate a hotel’s WiFi which is subjective to the way a guest uses the WiFi, our data is based on actually connection tests of the WiFi network, performed on mobile devices.


Poor WiFi is among the most complaint about grievances in the hospitality industry. Our data set makes it possible for travellers and guests to choose the right hotels to stay at if they would like to enjoy or are reliant on a great Wifi experience.

Top Services

Guests are used to accessing their favorite online services with great performance for an enjoyable and uninterrupted experience. Based on our tests our algorithms calculate the to-be-expected service performance for each hotel’s WiFi network.

Pure Metrics

Out tests analyze various aspects of WiFi performance among other things the server response time (latency) as well as download and upload speeds.

WiFi Experience Score

Based on all collected tests and metrics our algorithms determine a hotels overall WiFi Experience Score.